Getting your home ready to sell

You may be getting ready to sell, maybe you want to do your house up beforehand or maybe you want to sell it as it is. Either way, there are a few things you should do before putting your home on the market. In this blog, we will go through what you should do to get your house ready to sell and the small improvements you can make if you are trying to add value to your home.

Deep Clean

I know it’s probably not the words you want to hear but it’s something that should be done if you want as many potential buyers as possible. You could think of selling a home like you are showing someone around a showroom, the buyers will look at everything and surprisingly enough cleanliness can even affect the offer potential buyers may put in. Starting with a major deep clean is the first step you should take to get your home ready. This includes things like ceiling fans and light switches. If you are still living in your home when you are selling it then you should make an effort to keep the house clean before buyers come in, remember it’s all about the presentation.


Now obviously this is something that you don’t need to do but I can guarantee you that repainting your home with lovely neutral colours will add value to your home and make the house feel nice and fresh. You should choose colour schemes that would be good no matter which buyer ends up getting the house. Those colours include whites, tans and greys. Getting a professional in is also beneficial and can be seen as an investment as this will increase the value of your home a lot more than it would cost to get the professional in to do the job!

Opening Windows

Opening windows has a few advantages. First, it brings all the natural light in! Now natural light when showing your home to potential buyers is your best friend. It makes the house feel larger and also illuminates the space to feel more inviting. You also have the advantage of fresh air flowing throughout the house. This can make the potential buyers feel more relaxed and at home when walking through. If you don’t have much natural light beaming into your home then open the windows and add a few lamps where more light is needed, this will help with the lighting effect.

Small Renovations

If you are wanting to update some things within your home without the huge price tag it is possible. Replacing things like taps, faucets and handles can bring a whole new feel to your rooms without the huge price tag! Another thing you can do to change the feelings potential buyers would feel when stepping into your home is things like furniture coverings which can make your furniture look as good as new. You can also add small splashes of life with things like vases and plants.


The first thing potential buyers see when viewing a house is the front. By this stage, they are already painting a picture in their mind about the indoors, about what they would do if they lived there and would already have in mind if it feels homey or not. Having this in mind, you should always try to make the front of your home as appealing as possible when you are going to sell. Something that could be really beneficial would be to get the drains and eaves repainted or do up the garden beds however of course this isn’t necessary. Giving the outdoors a good clean can really help with the look of the house. This can include giving the driveway a good scrub, making the garden look nice and washing the outside of the windows. If you want to take that extra step you can even get the high-pressure washer out and wash your home if you have bricks.

ready to sell

Now that you have an idea of the things you can do before you put your house on the market, you can start looking at the real estate you can trust to put your home on the market. Give SRS Properties a call or visit our website to see how we can help you get the most for your home.

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